Enable Use of Supplier as Template


Use this activity to have an available supplier record as a template when entering purchase requisitions or purchase orders with suppliers that are not yet entered in the system.

When you enter a purchase requisition line or a purchase order for a new supplier that has not yet been registered, it is possible to make a quick registration of the new supplier using an existing supplier as a template. In so doing, supplier information that is not company-specific is automatically copied from the template supplier to the new supplier and additional information is entered in the Quick Supplier Registration. Suppliers that are to be used as templates should be marked in either of the Supplier or Suppliers - Purchase Specific Information pages.


The supplier that is to be used as a template must be entered, either in the Supplier page or as a quick-registered supplier (from Purchase Order).

System Effects

When you enter a purchase requisition line or a purchase order for a new supplier that has not yet been entered, it is possible to make a quick registration of the new supplier by using the supplier as a template.