BDR For Fixed Assets Object Information

The activities in BDR (basic data requirements) for Fixed Assets Object Information are used to enter information for the fixed assets. The activities in BDR for Fixed Assets Accounting must have been performed before the information for the fixed assets can be entered. The following procedure can be used to enter a fixed asset object on IFS.

  1. Open Fixed Asset Object page and use the New function. Default values are displayed in the Object Type, Valid From, and Valid Until fields on the General tab. Enter Object and Description.
  2. In the General tab, enter Object Group by using the List of Values. Several basic data is given as default for the object, for example an account in the Acquisition Account field. Enter Object Location, Object Owner, Supplier, and External ID, if appropriate. Save the information. The object status becomes Registered.
  3. In the Main Object tab, the object's identity is displayed in the Main Object field. If the object belongs to a previously-entered object, you can specify the main object's identity by using the List of Values.
  4. In the User-Defined Base Values tab, the user-defined base values linked to the object group are shown. If the Initiated by Acquisition Value is enabled in the User-Defined Base Value Types page, the user defined base value lines will be created on the User-Defined Base Values tab only when an object is activated or when the post imported transactions are performed for a newly created object. If the Initiated by Acquisition Value is disabled, the user defined base value lines will be automatically created on the Fixed Asset Object page prior to the active state.
  5. In the Books tab, the depreciation method and plan linked to the object group are shown. Enter a date in the Depreciation Start Date field, if appropriate. Add a depreciation method belonging to another method group, if appropriate.
  6. In the Preposting tab, the account number and object ID entered in the General tab are shown. Add any other posting information for the object. The information in this tab is connected to the posting control in IFS/Accounting Rules.
  7. In the Planning Info tab, enter the planned acquisition value and the planned acquisition date of the object. This tab is enabled only for objects with the status Planned and Investment.
  8. In the Inventory tab, enter the site to which the object belongs. You can also enter other inventory information such as the physical location of the object, the object custodian and the tag number.
  9. In the Properties tab, enter information about the object that is not available as standard information fields on IFS such as the registration number, manufacturer, motor number, unloaded weight etc.