This process involves any actions and regulations related with health and safety which can be executed within the organization. Such actions can be aimed at improving safety standards and ensuring that proper conditions are maintained to keep the personnel safe and healthy. Regulations relating to keeping records of employees' health conditions can also be registered and monitored.
The process consists of the following sub-processes:
Fire Safety Administration
Fire safety administration process involves maintaining information of locations in buildings of the organization, evacuation areas etc. Also, you can register details of the fire extinguishers available for each location. The Fire Safety is used for the purpose of maintaining this information. If these locations and fire extinguishers have been investigated during a fire inspection conducted in the organization, results of this investigation will be available in the Fire Safety.
Dangerous Goods Handling
The dangerous goods handling process allows you to record details of dangerous substances used in the workplace which are required to be handled with precaution in order to avoid harm to personnel. Dangerous chemical agents can be classified based on predefined regulations and rules and you can specify the manufacturer's information including contact details for emergency cases.
The possible health effects due to the dangerous substance is recorded in detail for reference. Also, you can describe in detail the precautions necessary when handling the dangerous chemicals so that harm can be avoided. The specific equipment and environmental conditions necessary in order to control the dangerous substance can also be recorded separately.
Medical Examinations
The medical examination process involves recording all details of a medical examination done for an employee within the organization. Specific information relevant to the examination can be recorded, such as: whether the examination is conducted internally within the company or externally, planned date and time for the medical examination as well as the actual date on which it is done, medical examination category, details of various tests performed during the examination. It is also possible to record details of a medical examination to multiple employees using employee selection templates.