Enter Period Allocation Rule


This activity is used to enter a period allocation rule for an instant invoice, outgoing invoice and direct cash transaction to specify how the amount will be distributed over a selected time period. Once a period allocation rule is entered, it is editable as long as the voucher created for the instant invoice/outgoing invoice/mixed payment is not updated to the General Ledger.

Select Period Allocation Rule command in the Lines group to open the Period Allocation Rule dialog from Instant/Outgoing Invoice page or select the Period Allocation command in View/Edit Transactions page in Mixed Payment to perform period allocation.

Note: If the period allocation includes closed accounting periods which are prior to the current accounting period, the Period Closed at Voucher Creation option will be automatically enabled when the voucher is created. The amounts allocated to the closed periods will then be moved forward to the next open accounting period, when the voucher is updated to the general ledger. If future accounting periods in the period allocation are closed, no vouchers will be created. An invoice will be printed, but not be posted but be moved to the Customer Invoices with Errors page instead. A mixed payment cannot be approved as long as a future allocation period is closed.


In order to perform this activity, the following must be completed:

In order to create a period allocation voucher, the following basic data must exist:

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the period allocation rule entered will be ready to be used when the voucher created for the invoice/mixed payment is updated to the general ledger. When the voucher is updated, the line amount will be distributed over the relevant time period in the way specified in the period allocation rule.