Enter Pre-posting Customer Invoice


This activity is used to enter a pre-posting code string that will be used when postings are created for the invoice. Pre-posting information can be specified for all code parts apart from account. The pre-posting code string will be used for all posting types that have pre-posting as control value for a code part.

The following posting types can be controlled by pre-posting:


For customer invoices, pre-posting can be used to connect an invoice to a cost center. The cost center cannot be determined by customer group, user group etc. In this case specify in Posting Control page for IP2 Customer Claims, code part Cost Center is controlled by pre-posting.

To make the pre-posting affect the revenue postings in the Lines, enable the Affect Line Postings option before entering invoice lines.


The pre-posting code string will be used for all posting types that have pre-posting as control value for a code part. Define posting control information in Posting Control page.

System Effects

The pre-posting code string will be used for all posting types that have pre-posting as control value for a code part.