Check External Voucher


Use this activity to check the external transactions related to an external voucher load identity. The transactions are checked with respect to code string, rules, and user data in IFS/Accounting Rules, and also with respect to external voucher parameters.

If you are not connected to the user group of the user who has loaded the external voucher, Change External Voucher User Data dialog box would appear. Your user ID and the default user group for the user ID will be entered in the relevant fields by default. Change the user ID and/or the user group as required and click OK.

 Transactions that do not pass the Check step are marked with an error code. If all transactions pass the Check step without errors then:

If any transaction do not pass the Check step, then the following applies:


Before checking the external vouchers, the following must have been completed:

System Effects

As a result of the activity, a message will be displayed stating whether errors were discovered or not. The transactions causing errors will get an Error Text that can be viewed in the External Vouchers Transactions page. All transactions belonging to the same Load Group Item as the incorrect transaction(s) will have the status Loaded.
If no errors were found, i.e. all transactions were considered correct, then the external transactions can be used to create vouchers in the hold table.