Verify Resource Availability


This activity is used to verify the resource availability for the defined work scope. Resource demands specified on the events included on a maintenance order will be transferred to the corresponding work tasks when distributing the maintenance order to IFS/Work Order Management. You can then verify resource availability and allocate the resources (i.e., person or tool/eqipment) required to execute the work task.

This activity describes the procedure for manually allocating resources. It is also possible to allocate resources and monitor resource availability via the Allocate Resource page and the Resource Monitoring Gantt page. For more information on the allocation and monitoring process, refer the help file Resource Allocation and Monitoring.

To manually allocate a resource to the work tasks planned on a work order,

ForĀ  instances where additional resources are required to execute the work,

Note: For maintenance orders distributed as simplified work orders, the verification of resource availability will be a manual process. This information is registered in the system when finishing the relevant maintenance event.


To perform this activity, a maintenance order must have been distributed to IFS/Work Order Management.

System Effects