Define Sign Off Requirements for a Task Card or Subtask


This activity is used to define sign off requirements for a task card or subtask.

It is common to have requirements on the skills required to sign off the work that has been performed. These requirements apply to the level at which the work was planned and performed, i.e., at the task card level or subtask level. Following is a list of the sign off requirements that can be defined for task cards and subtasks:

These sign off requirements can be defined on the task card or subtask using any one of the following combinations:

It is possible to define sign off requirements for both the task card and connected subtasks. Note: When executor sign off is used in combination with inspector sign off or independent sign off, it is necessary to have two different persons signing off the corresponding work task (for the task card or subtask) on the work order. If the combination of executor, inspector and independent sign off is used, it is necessary to have three different persons signing off the work task.

If IFS Human Resources is installed, it will be possible to specify a user certificate for executor, inspector and independent sign offs. When a certificate is specified, the person signing off each work task will be validated against the qualifications set up in IFS Human Resources, to verify that he or she has the necessary certificate to perform the sign off. Defined certificates will be transferred to the work task when maintenance events are distributed. If IFS Human Resources is not installed, you need only determine whether sign off is required or not. In this case, the person reporting on the work task will be required to sign off. This person's user identification will be retained in the system, but validations will not be performed.

If inspection requirements exist for task cards or subtasks, it will be possible to define an inspection description when defining sign off requirements. These inspection descriptions are applicable to the inspections, i.e., inspector sign off and independent sign off. Defined inspection descriptions will be transferred to the relevant work task when maintenance events are distributed.


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