Analyze Intraday Supply and Demand Information


Use this activity to analyze the short term supply and demand situation for inventory parts considering also the timings within the day down to minute level using the Inventory Parts Intraday Availability page.

The page shows supplies and demands for the number of days set in the Time Horizon field. A value 1 will show supplies and demands with a due date today and tomorrow. The value is not allowed to be greater than 7 days. This means that no supplies or demands with a due date later than one week in the future will be included on this page.

What types of supplies and demands that should be considered on this page is controlled by the Include Only Firm Supplies and include Only Firm Demands check boxes. When selected, only firm supplies and demands such as customer order lines, shop order materials, purchase order lines and shop orders are considered. When cleared, also non-firm supplies and demands such as MRP planned demands, MS unconsumed forecasts, sales quotations, shop order requisitions and purchase requisition lines are also considered.

The main list shows one record per site, inventory part and configuration. The Demand Balance field can be used to identify an unbalance between supplies and demands for the part within the selected time horizon. The Forecast Balance field can be used to identify an unbalance between the master schedule forecasted demand and the supply. The Include Usable Qty in Balance check box controls whether the usable on hand quantity should be considered when calculating the demand and forecast balance. The Negative Projected Qty gives an heads-up if the projected development within the period goes negative at any point also considering the time within the day.

By expanding the main list another list showing the supply/demand details for that specific record becomes visible. In this list you can analyze the projected stock development during the defined time period down to a minute level. The start quantity of the projected quantity will be the usable quantity if the Include Usable Qty in Balance check box is selected and 0 if the check box is cleared. Use the commands to adjust the quantities and/or scheduling of the orders to avoid negative stock developments.

Note: This page does not support planning of project connected supplies and demands.


System Effects