Apply Drop-Off Location


Drop-off location on warehouse level is used for moving a part using a transport task. When moving a part between two warehouses it is first moved here. Executing the transport task when using a drop-off location will automatically create a new transport task between the drop-off location and the destination location.

If a drop-off location exists between the from and to location, it is possible to apply it to the transport task line or handling unit.

Note: If the option Auto Assign Drop-Off Location on Manual Transport Task is enabled on site, the drop-off location will be assigned automatically. For transport tasks created by the system, for example when doing putaway, drop-off location will always be used if one exists.


System Effects

 The transport task line or handling unit will be changed. The to-location will be the forward-to location and the drop-off will be the to-location on the transport task line.