Handle Counting Using Count Report


Use this function when you want to enter the results of your physical inventory counting of inventory parts. The counting can be performed on a detailed or an aggregated level.

In the upper pane of the Aggregated tab the aggregated lines are displayed. The outermost handling unit that in full contains lines from the count report is shown by default. If counting should be reported for a sub-level of a handling unit structure it is possible to view all handling units included on the count report using Show All option.

In the upper pane of the Aggregated tab if only a part of the handling unit content is included in the count report or the stock record is not attached to a handling unit the records are aggregated per location and does not have a handling unit reference. When the Handling Unit ID field is blank, the parts are not attached to a handling unit or only part of the content of  the handling unit is included in the count report.

Counting on a detailed level can be performed in the lower pane. The lower pane has the same functionality as the Details tab.



System Effects

If the parts are frozen while counted, they are released whenever the counting results have been reported and confirmed, provided they are not rejected by the counting limits. Then you can perform any inventory movement of the part(s) again.
Note: If the count result is rejected and the parts had not been previously frozen, they will become frozen until the count result is approved or canceled.

Any divergence between the quantity stated in the system and the quantity physically counted is shown in the created inventory postings and in the Cumulated Counting Difference field in Inventory Part/Main/Counting section. This value is the total divergence for the inventory part. The counting difference per inventory part location can be seen in Quantity per Location Details page. In the same page, information about the last and next count date is displayed, including whether the part is frozen for counting.