Scrap from Stock


Scrapping is normally done when a part has become obsolete or faulty or its expiration date has been reached or exceeded. To scrap individual parts, indicate the desired quantity. It is also possible to scrap a handling unit and its content. When scrapping a handling unit all the content of the handling unit is scrapped meaning all the parts and quantities that are packed in to the handing unit. For parts with availability check, the system will also check if the scrapping will affect existing orders.

You can scrap parts from Scrap Inventory Part page or using Scrap Handling Unit dialog reached from the Handling Unit or Handling Units in Stock pages.

Enable the Print Serviceability Tag option to order and print the serviceability tag report for the scrapped part. Note: If the value of the PRNT_SERVICE_TAG_ACS object property in System Definition/Object Property is set to TRUE, by default this option will be enabled.


System Effects