Register Received Certificates


This activity is used to register the part certificates that were received by a maintenance organization along with the components (i.e., serial parts or batch tracked parts). The part certification details will be entered on the relevant serial part or batch tracked part records. To this certificate object you can then connect the part certificate document that was received, after it is stored in the system (as described below).

The actual part certificate document can be received in paper format or electronic (XML) format. When a document is received in paper format you first need to scan the file and save it in the PDF format before it can be stored in IFS Document Management. Once it is stored in the system, you can use the Documents feature in the Attachments panel to connect the document to the relevant certificate object. If the part certificate document was received in the XML format it is possible to directly connect the file to the certificate object.

When a component is received from an external source, it has to go through a Quality Assurance (QA) process. A part of this process is to verify that the component's status is properly documented, i.e., verify the part certification form.


System Effects


You are required to enter the supplier's organization code together with any of the certification numbers or a unique personal ID. All other fields are optional to enter in this activity.

Only one of the certificate number, production certificate number, type certification project number, repair agency claimed certificate number or unique personal ID is required, as specified in the received certificate.