Add Shop Order Component


This activity is used to add a component part that is not registered in the structure of the parent part, e.g., material that is needed only for this shop order.

To add a new component, create a new row in the Shop Order/Materials or Disposition Shop Order/Materials page. Enter the required part number and quantity per assembly, scrap and other relevant values.

If the shop order is a repair shop order and originated from a CRO line, enter a service type. Use the List of values to select a suitable value and the component repair order line connected to service type(s) will be listed.


This activity requires the existence of a shop order.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the system adds a component part to a specific shop order. This change does not affect the entire part structure. The Required Date of the material line will be set equal to the start of the queue time of the operation to which it is connected. If the material line is not connected to any operation, it is set equal to the shop order Start Date.

If the component part has planning method K (Blow Through), the component will directly after save be replaced with components from the K parts structure. Component scrap and scrap factor for the K part will not be considered when the part is replaced with its component.