Analyze Cost per Production Schedule Reports


Production schedule backflush is the heart of Production Scheduling, providing an automation of both component material issues and operation machine and labor transaction reporting. For highly standardized or mature products produced in a repetitive environment, backflush is an efficient method of accounting for inventory and WIP costs.

A production schedule report ID is really not the same as a Shop Order No, in a cost perspective. A shop order act as a cost carrier for the manufactured part, and a shop order is quite often in progress for many days. A Production Schedule Report just logs the different cost associated with the backflush, like for example material cost, machine cost, labor cost etc, using the BOM- and the Routing information.

Use the page to view different cost types and their costs for a Report ID.

From this page it is possible to drill down to the cost details in:


This activity requires the existence of a production schedule. Scheduled quantities for the part must exist. Production schedule report must exist.

System Effects