Assign Plot Setting and Sorting Options for the Scenario


Use this activity to assign plot setting and sorting options for the objects in a selected user defined scenario or pre-defined scenario.

Select preferred plot setting for the selected scenario using the Assigned Plot Setting list.
Note: All the plot settings that are defined in Tools > Setting > Plot settings will be displayed in the Assigned Plot Setting list.

Select the attribute which you prefer to use as the first sort criteria.
Note: If there is more than one type of object in a user defined scenario, then attributes that are common to all objects will be available to select as the sort criteria when sorting (e.g. if a scenario consists of a few shop orders and a few resource breaks, then only 4 attributes i.e, Need Date, EPST, Name and Class Name are available to be used as the sort criteria)


This activity requires that at least one user defined scenario is defined in order to assign plot settings and sort orders.

System Effects

Once a plot setting is assigned to a scenario, that plot setting will be used when the scenario is plotted on the Gantt Chart.

If sorting options are defined for a scenario, objects in the scenario are sorted based on the sort criteria once plotted.