Select Operation(s) and Create Operation Block


Use this activity to select one or several operations to include in a new operation block.

To perform this activity, select the operations candidates to connect to the operations block and click Operation Block and then Connect.

To perform this activity from Machine Load, Labor Load, Machine Operations Scheduling or Labor Operations Scheduling charts, select the chart segment(s) representing the relevant operations and click Connect to Operation Block.

Enable the Connect option for the operations to include, and click Create New Operation Block. Optionally specify the work center resource on which you prefer the operations in the operation block to be performed. If the operations are planned to be executed in parallel in the work center resource, the Block Resource Share value will indicate how big share of the resource capacity the operations in the block together will utilize.

If characteristics has been connected in the Work Center/Characteristics tab, those will be dynamically displayed as columns in the Operations to Connect list. Note that only the 10 first characteristics in the list will be displayed.


System Effects

As a result of this activity a new operation block will be created and the selected operations will be connected to the operation block.

If a Preferred Resource is specified, this value will also be set as the preferred resource on the operation(s) connected to the operation block which will trigger a rescheduling of the operation(s).