Sequence Shop Order Operations


This activity is used to schedule shop order operations in sequence after each others from a given start date/time and to minimize the total setup time.

To perform this activity from the Shop Order Operations or Shop Floor Workbench pages, select the operations to be sequenced, click Scheduling and then click Sequence Operations.

To perform this activity from the Machine Operations Scheduling chart:

In the first assistant step, enable the Include option for the operations so sequence. Optionally, enter an Operation Priority for the operations.

In the second assistant step:


System Effects

  1.  Priority and Sort Order defined in the Characteristics for Sequence Order list.
  2.  Operation Priority defined in Operations to Sequence list. Operations with a lower value are scheduled before operations with a higher value.
  3.  Operation original Planned Start Date/Time. Operations with an earlier original planned start date/time are scheduled before operations with a later start date/time.