Create Product Structure


This activity is used to manually enter the structure of a part, i.e., the components comprising the parent part.

Use the Product Structure or Manufacturing Structure page and its tabs to enter and maintain part structures. Use the Components tab to record details about components which are used to produce the parent part, the By-Products tab to record details about sub components which are produced while creating the parent part.

Use the By-Product Cost Distribution tab view and define distribution of component material costs among by-products and primary product for the structure alternate. The costs of each material component line in a manufacturing structure can be allocated to the by-products using the factors entered for each by-product/component combination.

 Use the Multi Level Structure tab to study the structure of a part, including the components of components. The structures are broken down from the parent part to the absolute lowest level in all structures of the same structure type. You can also view the components of a parent part for a particular revision, which can be helpful since the components can differ per revision


The parent part and the components must have been defined in the Inventory Part page. This automatically creates a structure record for the part.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the system creates a structure alternate in status Tentative connecting the components to a parent part.