Create Recipe Structure


This activity is used to manually enter the recipe structure of a part, i.e., the components comprising the parent part. Recipe structures are alternatives to product structures/bills of material. Only components with a weight or volume unit of measure can be included in recipe structure calculations.

Use the Recipe Structure page to enter a recipe structure for parts with the part type Manufactured Recipe. Recipe structures are an alternative to the traditional product structure, allowing to enter components by weight or by volume. If part of a recipe structure is changed, can recalculate the structure. Recipe structures are processed in the same way as product structures in the shop order process.

Parts included in a recipe structure need to have volume or weight as the unit of measure to be a part in the recipe calculations. The density is fetched from the Inventory Part page. When a recipe structure is saved, the recipe will be automatically broken down to parts and substances that the recipe consists of. The physical properties of the recipe parent part will be calculated.

Use the command New Components to open an assistant to enter the new recipe structure. In the first step you enter the components that are part of the recipe, in the second step enter the components that are excluded from the recipe calculations and in the third step you enter the recipe by-product components.

The assistant is opened with the selected alternate values for Enter By, Batch Size by Weight, Yield and Weight UoM and you canĀ“t change those in the assistant.

To save a recipe the recipe weight share must be equal to 100%. If you need to adjust the recipe to be able to save it you can use adjust commands.

If the Enter by is either Qty Weight UoM or Qty UoM, the available adjustment options are:

If the Enter by is either Weight Share or Qty per Assembly, the available adjustment options are:

If the Enter by is Parts by Weight, there is no need to adjust the recipe; the total weight share is always 100%.


This activity requires,

System Effects

As a result of this activity,