Define Checklist Template


This activity is used to define a default checklist template for a failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA). A checklist is a list of questions that you must check off before changing the status of an FMEA header from Created to Approved. The FMEA type decides whether the checklist is for a design or for a process FMEA.

You can add, delete or update checklist items. When creating a new checklist item, the system automatically generates a sequence number that you can change in the Sequence No field. In the Checklist Question field you define the question that must be addressed before the FMEA header can be approved.

 If you create an FMEA header and a default checklist has already been created for that FMEA type, the system will automatically associate the appropriate default checklist with the header. If no default checklist has been created, you can manually create a checklist for that header.



System Effects

As a result of this activit a default checklist for a design or process FMEA is created.