Define Tool Instance


This activity is used to enter and maintain records of tools and instances of tools. Tool IDs can be linked to routings and control plans to specify particular tools to use. Tool instances can be used by IFS/Constraint Based Scheduling as part of a shop order operation capacity used to schedule shop orders. Tool Instances have effectivity date ranges that define the availability of each tool instance to production.

Tool instances can also be connected to Tool/Equipment resources. This provides the capability to view demand and allocations for important tools/equipment that are used across manufacturing, project and maintenance processes.

You can use the Tool Instances tab on the Manufacturing Tool page to enter and maintain records of instances of tools based on the tool types defined in the Manufacturing Tool Type page.

Use the Manufacturing Tool Instances page to view, add or modify records as tool instances.


This activity requires that a tool ID must have been defined in Manufacturing Tool.

System Effects

As a result of this activity: