Update and Confirm Structure Data


This activity is used to update structure data for a part during the detailed transfer and confirm the detailed transfer.

You can make changes to the detail or makeup of the structure being transferred. You can Add or Remove components from the Components tab on the Engineering Revision Transfer Work In Progress page. Then you can confirm the transfer of detailed structures form IFS Engineering.


This activity requires that the detailed transfer must have been started.

Prototype Part Revision Prefix must be defined in the Site/Manufacturing page in order to create prototype structures.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the system updates structure data for a part during the detailed transfer. When confirmed, the system creates a product structure. Depending on the part transfer template defined for parts in the structure, alternate components are also transferred, possibly overwriting existing definitions in manufacturing.

Note! Before confirm, you should promote the manufacturing structure from Tentative to Buildable status or set it to Obsolete status if it is not in use. This should be done because of how the engineering transfer process handles tentative structure revisions. There can be situations, where part revisions of the components are not is effect, but the parent part is in effect. If only tentative revisions exist, the engineering transfer process will update transferred engineering revision information, the phase in and phase out dates of the oldest tentative structure revision.