Enter Direct Cash Transaction Mixed Payment


This activity is used to enter direct cash payments. Direct cash payments are payment transactions which do not affect either the Accounts Receivable or the Accounts Payable ledgers (e.g.  tax payments, refunds and transfers of money between cash accounts). For the direct cash payment one or several manual postings needs to be entered which can also support accounts and code parts of other companies. A tax code can be entered to calculate and post taxes.

To enter a direct cash payment:

To select planned non supplier payments for the direct cash payment:


In order to perform this activity:

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the direct cash payment amount will be included in the voucher created in the hold table once the mixed payment is approved. The direct cash payment amount including the tax amounts will be debited based on the posting rules defined for PP1 posting type. The payment amount excluding tax amounts will be posted to account(s) manually selected by you. The tax amounts calculated will be posted based on the posting rules defined for the posting types PP44, PP45, PP46 and PP47.

If the manual posting includes accounts of another company, the multi-company general payment and separate vouchers for each involved company will be created. The voucher will also include inter-company postings for the cash paying/receiving company and the affiliated company based on the posting rules defined for the posting types PP22 and PP23. If tax is included in the manual posting for another company, the tax is posted in the allocated company.