Enter Cash Account Information Mixed Payment


This activity is used to enter cash account related information for a mixed payment. Cash account related information is required before transactions can be entered for a mixed payment. This is because the cash account determines the currencies in which it should be possible to enter payment transactions.  If the cash account in the payment institution is in a currency other than the accounting currency, only payment transactions in the cash account currency can be entered. In this case, all balances are reported in both the cash account currency and the accounting currency. If however, the cash account is in the same currency as the accounting currency, payment transactions are managed in any currency and all balances are reported in only the accounting currency.

This activity also involves selecting the balance method which determines how many cash transactions and corresponding postings to the cash account should be created when the mixed payment approved.


In order to perform this activity, a payment institute and a cash account should exist.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, a mixed payment of the Not Approved status is created in the system and it will be possible to add transactions to it.