Payment File Traceability

Description of process

Payment file traceability is the process to collect and record electronic payment addresses used in automatic payment orders. In addition to the payment addresses of both payee and payer, changes in payment orders like cancellation and removal of order items or repeated output with current data are recorded.

Payment file trace information is created from payment orders for automatic supplier payments, direct debiting and customer repayments. If media output is repeated using current data, new payment file trace information will also be recorded. Payment file trace information  is kept even if a payment is rolled back or cancelled.

It can be defined per payment method whether payment file trace information should be created or not.

Following Up Payment File Trace Information

Payment file trace information can be viewed in several pages in the application. It is possible to define for each payment format supporting payment file traceability, which parts of the electronic payment addresses should be presented. If no address presentation is defined, only the International Bank Account Number (IBAN) will be shown. Independent from the defined payment address presentation, all parts of electronic payment addresses are recorded in the payment file information file and can be presented later if necessary.

There are several analysis/views showing payment file trace information in the application to fulfill the different requirements for traceability:

All payment file trace information of a company can be followed up using the Payment File Trace Information page. Analysis and queries are possible per payment order, payee/payer, parts of electronic payment addresses like IBAN or BIC, cash account...etc. A record will be created for each output sequence of a payment order item. The same information for single items are shown both according to the definition in payment address presentation and according to the payment format related descriptions of payment address data (client mappings) in Electronic Payment Address.

Payment file trace information can also be accessed using the Customer Payment Orders  or Supplier Payment Orders pages to check details on status changes, different outputs or electronic payment addresses of a selected active payment order.

Detailed information for a paid single ledger item of a specific customer or supplier on the used payment address data of the payee or payer and of the own cash account/payment institute is presented in Payment Address per Payment page which can be reached from Payments per Customer Analysis / Payments per Supplier Analysis or from Customer Analysis / Supplier Analysis via the Payments per Invoice/Prepayment Analysis.

Payment address information for specific invoices which are still included in a payment order can be viewed in Payment Address per Order page from the Customer Invoice Analysis / Supplier Invoice Analysis. After the payment is created for the order,  payment address per payment information replaces the payment address per order information from the Customer Invoice Analysis / Supplier Invoice Analysis.

If electronic payment addresses specific to several items are included in an active order and it requires to be monitored the Payment Address per Order dialog can be used for this purpose.

Cleanup of Payment File Trace Information

Old payment file trace information which is not connected to a still active payment order and which has not been approved in a Mixed Payment can be removed using the cleanup function.