Transfer to CO for Invoicing


This activity is used to transfer sales lines on the complex assembly work order to the customer order. When this activity is performed, customer orders will be generated for each payer - currency combination by referring the sales lines on the work order. Customer order lines will be generated by categorizing sales lines based on the defined cost category. Sales lines which are in the Invoiceable status will be updated with a reference to the customer order and the status will be changed to Transferred.

To undo the transfer of work order sales lines to customer orders click Undo Transfer to CO. When this is performed, the customer orders created when transferring the sales lines will be canceled. Sales lines in the Transferred status will be reverted to the Invoiceable status and the reference to the customer order will be removed.


To perform this activity, sales lines in the Invoiceable status must exist on the complex assembly work order.

System Effects