Manage NCR Disposition


This activity is used to handle the disposition of the NCR correction in terms of who is responsible for the disposition of the NCR and for evaluating and deciding what the correction action shall be.

To disposition a NCR correction, click Disposition in the Corrections section on the Non Conformance Report page or on the NCR Corrections page. Enter a disposition code, a disposition responsible, a disposition note and a correction responsible and enable Set Status to Dispositioned.

If you want to revert a dispositioned correction, click Revert in the Corrections section on the Non Conformance Report page or on the NCR Corrections page.

This activity contains a security checkpoint which can be activated by an administrator. With an activated security checkpoint on a function it is necessary to authenticate the user again in order to fulfill the function. Additionally, whenever a security checkpoint is successfully passed, a security checkpoint log is written, creating an audit trail of what is done.


To be able to perform this activity the NCR header needs to be in the Released status and the correction action lines must be in the Released status.
The basic data for disposition code must also have been set up to be able to carry out this step.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the status of the NCR header changes to In Progress, and the status of the NCR correction action lines change to Dispositioned.