Quick Reporting of Pending Maintenance Event


This activity is used to perform quick reporting of a pending maintenance event. This is useful when you want to finish events that have already been performed. The events will be handled similar to how events distributed as Simplified Work Orders are handled. If the event being finished is an inspection event (initial or continued) for a modification:

If a modification event leading to a part identity change exists and this modification has the Terminating Action execution type, the assigned or affected serial will be renamed to include the new part number and revision once the modification is embodied. In order to perform the automatic renaming of a serial once the event is embodied, the new part number and revision for the serial must have been entered on the modification (i.e., in the Change to Part Number and Change to Part Revision fields). Furthermore, when the modification event is embodied, the system will perform a check to validate the following information before renaming the serial:

When the part number is changed on a serial, the template information on the serial is often changed as well and will be updated automatically. If the serial has a structure and the old template information for the structure of the serial does not match the new template structure information, the operational condition of the serial will be set to Non Operational when renamed. When the template information is valid for both the old and new part numbers, the operational condition of the new serial will be the same as the operational condition on the old serial. You can choose to update the operational log history, replacement history as well as other history records with the new part number.

Depending on your workflow open one of the following pages to perform this activity:

The Quick Reporting of Pending Maintenance Event assistant or the Quick Reporting of Modification assistant opens. Following is a description of the information that can be entered in each assistant step.


For serial fault events:

For modification events:

System Effects