Define Manual Operational Plan Items


Use this activity to  define the operational activities manually. A manual plan line is an item in the operational plan that represents a certain occurrence/operational event. Such an event can for example be that the plant/object that the operational plan is valid for is in full operation. Each plan line is defined in time by a planned start and a planned finish date stating when that certain operational event is ongoing. If IFS/Maintenance Planning Board (MPB) is used, then the manual plan lines can be used as a visual aid when scheduling work orders/PM actions in MPB. If operational modes are defined on the manual plan lines and an object structure is connected to the operational plan, it can be used to derive the object accessibility when scheduling in maintenance planning board. For using the manual plan lines to derive the object accessibility, there are some pre-requisites that needs to be in place. These are:

On the manual plan lines there is a option for specifying if the line is to be considered as a maintenance window. If the operational event defined by a manual plan line is cancelled, due to internal or external reasons, it can be marked as a maintenance window by enabling the option. This means that the operational event on the planned line will not take place during the planned time interval and therefore there is a window for performing maintenance on the object structure connected to the operational plan. When scheduling, in the MPB, a manual plan line marked as a maintenance window will then be considered as accessible time for scheduling work orders/PM actions planned on objects connected to this operational plan.

Note : The object accessibility is considered only when scheduling work order/PMs with scheduling obstructive operations or/and if the order need to be schedule in one maintenance page

There are also fields on the manual plan lines for entering additional notes.


To perform this activity:

System Effects