Supervision Overview
This activity is used to check if access relations between employees are
configured properly . Use it to view subordinates of a supervisor and inspect
the source of the supervision. You can also display all supervisors of a single
employee, along with the relevant supervision sources.
The Valid on Date field allows you display supervisors active
only on a certain date. To view only supervisors valid on a selected date, use
option Display Only Valid Rows.
The Organization Tree, situated on the left, displays company and matrix
organization structures and their respective organization units. Every node
connected directly to the Organization Tree root represents a company
or a matrix structure. You can expand those to view their organization units.
In order to view all subordinates of a single supervisor, use Supervisor
- Access Setup window.
- The top structure element that you selected displays all access
assignments defined for a person. To display access to a particular organization
unit, navigate down the structure.
- Options under Display Data From and Organizations areas
determine information displayed on Access Setup and
Supervised Employees sections.
- The Access Setup section displays all the access assignments
that were ever made for the supervisor.
- The Supervised Employees section displays the access result:
all employees that the supervisor could ever access.
- In case of position based access, the Position ID field displays
position access. If the Organization Assignment option
is selected, the supervisor is assigned to the position. If its cleared,
he only has access rights of said position.
- Be mindful that the Access Setup section displays not
only organization units, but also employee groups that the supervisor ever
had access to.
In order to view supervisors of a single employee,
use Employee - Access Info window.
- The top structure element that you selected displays all access
assignments defined for a person and employee. To display access to a particular
organization unit, navigate down the structure.
- Options under the Display Data From area and Organizations
areas determine information displayed on Supervisors and Employee
Assignments sections.
- The Supervisors section displays every supervisor that
the employee or a person ever had or show only those active on a specific
- The Employee Assignments section displays all of the assignments
that the employee ever had or show only those active on a specific date.
There are no prerequisites.
System Effects
There are no system effects