Create Work Task Template

Define Work Task Templates for the type of tasks that will be executed often or repeatedly, or that requires that a certain standard is followed with regard to what type of resource groups should be used, what material is required, what type of tool/equipment that is required, and what document should be accessible etc. 

You can enter work instructions and material requirements and connect documents to Work Task Templates. In addition, you can enter the following on the work task template: work list requirements, tool/equipment requirements, and other expenses related to the task. For work task templates you can define how all the expenses should be invoiced to the customer (Relevant to IFS/Service Management only).

An active Work Task Template can be applied to PM actions, Work Orders and Service Requests.

For work orders that have a series of work lists, manual rescheduling can be cumbersome. To make the job easier and efficient, you can connect the work list lines to form a hierarchical structure, that is a dependency (i.e., Parent - Child) relationship. The structure can also be included in the Work Task Template which will be inherited by the PM action when it is generated and by the work order when it is connected.

Consider the following example: A Work Task Template has six work lists connected as shown below.

Work List No: x = Work List Number x

Thus, the dependencies for each work list number is as follows:

Work List Number Dependencies
Work List No: 1 2
Work List No: 2 None
Work List No: 3 2
Work List No: 4 3,6
Work List No: 5 2
Work List No: 6 2

Note: You cannot delete work list lines that act as dependencies. For instance, in the above example, work list numbers: 2, 3, and 6 cannot be deleted. You will have to remove the dependency in order to delete the work list lines. Furthermore, you cannot create relationships that loop. For example, work list no: 1 cannot be included as the dependency of work list no: 2. To do so, you will have to remove the dependency and re-define it. Also, you cannot include work list no: 4 as a dependency to work list no: 2 , since work list no: 2 is an indirect dependency of work list no: 4.