Print Production Schedule Work Instruction Report


This activity is used to create and print the work instruction report for a production schedule line.

Work instruction reports are printed using the Production Schedule Work Instructions Report assistant/dialog. It can be accessed as an assistant directly from the navigator. To access it as a dialog from the:

In the Production Schedule Work Instructions Report assistant/dialog, enter or edit information in order to specify what kind of work instruction report to be printed. In the Effective Structure Date field you enter the date from which the routing and structure revision should be fetched. If you want the report to include media items, enable the Print Attached Media Items setting. If you want to include attached documents, enable the Print Attached Documents setting. When you click OK the Report Format & Output dialog will appear. In the dialog specify the printing information and click OK.


A production schedule must exist.

System Effects

As a result of this activity a work instruction report is created and printed containing material and operations according to the selected structure and routing alternate.