Adhoc Purchasing

General Information

A quick way of purchasing parts from a supplier and perform receipt over the supplier's counter. This is a simpler version of purchase/receipt functions in the application. This is applicable for users working with work task originating from Work Order and Service Request.

Purpose and Area of Use

This solution enables you to integrate with your key suppliers and connect the field technician, supplier and your back-office administrative processes in procurement and finance into an integrated value chain.

This is mainly to support adhoc (unplanned) purchasing demands of light users like field technicians connected to work tasks. Work tasks can originate from both Work Order and Service Request.

Note: Adhoc Purchases will not be included in supplier statistics like supplier quality and supplier delivery statistics. Also will be excluded from purchase authorization rules while processing the back office purchasing. It is possible to run the flow against Suppliers enabled with self-billing.

Key Elements

The following elements are involved in Adhoc Purchasing process:

Below you will find a more detailed description of the key elements.

Adhoc Purchasing Basic Data

In order start with adhoc purchasing process, user needs to define few basic data in sub tabs connected to Ad-hoc Purchasing Basic Data page.

Adhoc Purchasing Assistant

Use this multipage assistant to register an adhoc purchasing. Select a work task and an existing supplier from list of values in the first page and move to Add Part page. Work tasks assigned for the user with valid status will only be visible and accepted for the process. Both Work Order and Request connected work tasks are applicable.

System will generate the unique reference and show it in this page. Maximum purchase amount is also visible in the same page if defined in Adhoc Purchasing Basic Data. Use Add Part assistant to select inventory purchase parts or non inventory purchase parts.

Use Add Unregistered Part assistant to enter no parts. Selected lines will get populated in the main list in Add Part page along with accumulated total amount. Finally the user can perform receive and close the assistance completing the adhoc purchase instance. Once an adhoc purchase instance is finished, the user will be navigated to a landing page allowing to redo the process or navigate to Adhoc Purchasing Details to follow up.

Back Office Administration process

Once the user finish the activity with Adhoc Purchasing assistant, the system will handle the back office administration process in sequential steps.

Note: Inventory part purchases are handled as non inventory in purchasing and receipt process creating purchase transactions using purchase order line price and then report cost as expenses to the work task. All part acquisitions costs are finally reported as periodic maintenance costs against work tasks.

Adhoc Purchasing Details

This page facilitate user to follow up on already purchased orders and items. Also can perform activity cancel reversing the original purchases. The list page will give details of parts received. List is enabled with card view to give a quick view of each item purchased.