Change Supplier for Purchase Parts

In the system, you can connect purchase parts to a specific supplier. You can activate or deactivate the connection, as well as decide whether the supplier should be a primary supplier for this purchase part.

However, sometimes you need to replace a supplier. This is done by using the Change Supplier for Purchase Parts page. In this page you indicate the current supplier and the intended supplier. You can also use some selection methods, such as purchase group and purchase parts, in an alphabetical interval. When the data is entered, you can click the Count command to get information about how many changes will occur.

Supplier replacement is performed by the following rules:

  1. The connection between the current supplier and the purchase part must be in Active status. For a supplier with an inactive connection, no changes occur. See the example for Part 4 and Part 6 in the table below.
  2. When the changes are performed, the connection between the current supplier and the purchase part acquires the Inactive status, whereas the connection between the new supplier and the purchase part acquires the Active status. See the example for Part 5 and Part 7 in the table below.
  3. If no connection between the new supplier and the purchase part existed before the replacement, a new supplier for purchase part record is generated. You need to check the prices for the new relationship. See the example for Part 2.
  4. If the supplier was a primary supplier in the earlier connection, the primary supplier setting is transferred to the new relationship. See the example for Part 1, Part 3, and Part 8.


When changing from the supplier A to the supplier B for part 1 - 8, the following occurs:
Site: X. (You must specify on which site this action will be done).

Supplier A Status, Before/After Primary Supplier, Before/After Supplier B Status, Before/After Primary Supplier, Before/After Results
Part 1 Active/Inactive Yes/No Part 1 Active/Active No/Yes Supplier A is set to inactive. Supplier B is still active and the primary supplier setting is transferred to supplier B.
Part 2 Active/Inactive No/No Part 2 None/Active None/No A new connection is established between part 2 and supplier B. A supplier for purchase part record is generated.
Part 3 Active/Inactive Yes/No Part 3 None/Active None/Yes Supplier A is set to inactive. A supplier for purchase part record is generated for Supplier B and Part 3. The primary supplier setting is transferred to supplier B.
Part 4 Inactive/Inactive No/No - - - Nothing happens since this supplier for purchase part connection was inactive from the beginning.
Part 5 Active/Inactive No/No Part 5 Active/Active No/No Supplier A is set to inactive. Supplier B is still active for this part.
Part 6 Inactive/Inactive No/No Part 6 Active No/No Nothing happens since this supplier for purchase part connection was inactive between supplier A and part 6. Supplier B is still active for this part.
Part 7 Active/Inactive No/No Part 7 Inactive/Active No/No Supplier A is set to inactive and supplier B is activated.
Part 8 Active/Inactive Yes/No Part 8 Inactive/Active No/Yes Supplier A is set to inactive. Supplier B is activated and the primary supplier setting is transferred to supplier B.
Part 9 Active No/No Nothing happens since this part never had been connected to supplier A.
Part 10 Inactive No/No Nothing happens since this part never had been connected to supplier A.

New Supplier for Purchase Part record

When no connection has existed between the new supplier and the purchase part, a supplier for purchase part record is generated. The currency code is changed to the currency of the new supplier but the prices are copied from the old supplier. Therefore, it is necessary to check the prices and to manually update them.