Quality Requirements for Purchase Parts

There may be instances when a tighter quality control relative to procurement issues is needed to make sure that the supplier has the correct quality system in place and making sure that a specific purchase part supplied by a specific supplier is qualified for use in the finished product. Some purchase parts may for instance require significant and costly testing to qualify the part for use in the finished product, and there needs to be a means of identifying that the supplier is approved or qualified.

On the Quality Requirements tab on the Purchase Part page it is possible to define three different quality requirements for a purchase part:

Quality System Level (QSL)

The quality system levels are user defined. Each quality system level has a ranking value. The ranking value is used to determine whether a supplier is qualified to supply a purchase part or not. If the QSL requirement for a purchase part has a ranking value of “3”, then the supplier for the purchase parts needs to have a QSL qualification with ranking value ≤ “3” to be qualified.

The supplier QSL qualification is not purchase part specific.

Qualified Manufacturer Required (QMR)

QMR determines whether a part manufacturer needs to be qualified to supply a specific purchase part.

Qualified Supplier Required (QSR)

QSR determines whether a supplier needs to be qualified to supply a specific purchase part.

Evaluating the Purchase Part Quality Requirements

If a purchase part has QSL, QMR and/or QSR requirements, then they will be evaluated against the used supplier for the purchase part when releasing a purchase requisition, purchase order or purchase order change order.

If the supplier is qualified, the requisition/order will be released as normal. If the supplier is not qualified, then manual authorization will be needed to release the requisition/order.