Define Procurement Category Dimensions


A procurement category is used to group products and services with the same characteristics. This activity is used to define the dimensions that decides which products and services that belongs to each category. Dependent of the source and type of procurement, different dimensions can be used used to classify the products and services. This is for instance used when categorizing the spend transactions into categories.

For purchase order lines the dimensions, in priority order, are:

  1. Parts
  2. Purchase Groups
  3. Suppliers Assortments
  4. Code Part Values

For purchase order charge lines the dimensions, in priority order, are:

  1. Charge Groups
  2. Code Part Values

For sub contracts the dimensions, in priority order, are:

  1. Sub Contract Types
  2. Sub Contract Category 1
  3. Sub Contract Category 2
  4. Code Part Values

For manually posted invoices the only dimension used is the Code Part Values.

For expenses the dimensions, in priority order, are:

  1. Expense Codes
  2. Code Part Values


System Effects

As a result of this activity the defined dimensions will be used to categorize purchase order lines, self-service catalog lines and spend transactions into the different procurement categories.