Enter Additional Cost Details


This activity is used to enter or edit details regarding additional cost amounts, i.e., define several different additional cost types on one purchase order/requisition line. The cost amount for each additional cost type needs to be entered manually.


At least one additional cost type must exist in the Procurement Basic Data/Purchase Additional Cost Types page.

System Effects

The additional cost amount is added to the order/requisition line costs.

Note: Additional cost amount in the Additional Cost or Add Cost Gross/Curr fields on the purchase order line cannot be modified if additional cost details have been entered for the order/requisition line. The amount can be modified only in the Additional Cost Details dialog.

The additional cost amount in the Additional Cost or Add Cost Gross/Curr fields on the order/requisition line will be updated from the Additional Cost Details dialog, based on whether or not the Use Price Incl Tax option is selected on the order/requisition line.