Enter Manufacturer Information


Use this activity to modify relationships between the supplier and manufacturer, and the manufacturer and manufacturer part number for specified purchase parts by adding, updating, or deleting affiliations. Manufacturers are used when you want to buy a specific brand of the part. This is optional.

The manufacturer number is retrieved from the part manufacturer record in IFS/Part Catalog. To enter the manufacturer number as a supplier for the purchase part, you can:

The first manufacturer added to the Manufacturers tab will be automatically set as the preferred manufacturer.

If no manufacturers exist on the Manufacturers tab the preferred manufacturer in the Part page will be set as the preferred manufacturer in the Supplier for Purchase Part page.

You cannot change the number, description or qualified manufacturer (QMR) setting from the Manufacturers tab. Updates must be done in IFS/Enterprise.

A manufacturer set as preferred manufacturer on the Supplier for Purchase Part/Manufacturers tab cannot be deleted when other manufacturers for the supplier exist.

When you enter a new record for the manufacturer, the manufacturer part numbers will be automatically copied from the Part page. If you create a new record for a manufacturer part number, the first manufacturer part number added to the Manufacturers tab will be automatically set as the preferred manufacturer part number. You can change the preferred manufacturer part number.


System Effects

A manufacturer is connected to the supplier for a purchase part in the system, and the status of these relationships can be determined.