Enter Addition for Supplier Assortment Step Pricing


On Supplier Assortment Step Pricing page you can change the additional cost in a supplier assortment step pricing. The additional cost is a cost you must pay for each purchase order line of the supplier assortment. The cost is independent of the quantity ordered, but it could be different for different levels in the supplier assortment step pricing.

Supplier assortment step pricing is used when you receive better terms for purchasing more from the supplier, i.e., if you buy more, you could receive a lower price per unit, a better discount, and/or a lower additional cost.

Supplier assortment step pricing is always specified for the purchase agreement and supplier assortment combination. The supplier assortment is always valid for all sites entered on the agreement. The levels entered for supplier assortments are entered in amounts, and the cumulative amount (including the new purchase order line) determines which level to use from the step pricing.

If there is a conflict in validity between a line on the supplier agreement and a line on Supplier Assortment Step Pricing, the line from the supplier assortment step pricing will be retrieved to the purchase order line. If there is a part included in supplier agreements, both as a part and as part of a supplier assortment from the same supplier, the conditions specified for the part will override anything that has been entered about the supplier assortment.


A supplier assortment step pricing must have been entered.

System Effects

The new additional cost for the supplier assortment step pricing is used for applicable purchase order lines. When retrieving a line from supplier assortment step pricing, the one valid for the total cumulative amount is chosen. If you want these new terms to be valid for purchase orders which you have not yet sent to the supplier, you must remove the old lines and add new ones.

If the Use Price Incl Tax option is enabled in the applicable purchase order line, the additional cost on the Supplier Agreement/Supplier Agreement Assortment tab is retrieved to the Additional Cost Gross/Curr field on the purchase order line.