Enter Authorizer


Purchase Authorization Basic Data or Multi-Company Purchase Authorizers pages are used to enter persons with authorization to approve a purchase. The authorizer can be included as a member of an authorization group or directly connected to authorization routing templates.

Authorization groups are used when, for example, it is sufficient that only one person in a department authorizes a purchase requisition line or purchase order. When the authorization group is used in an authorization routing template, only one of the group members has to authorize. You can connect several users to the authorization group and the same user can be a member of more than one authorization group. Project roles and positions are used similar to authorization groups i.e. the persons who are able to authorize should be assigned to the role or position.

It is required to specify an authorization role for the authorizer. An authorizer can have two different authorization roles. The Authorizer will be the person who will authorize the purchase, and he will also have limitations for the maximum amount of authorizations. It is also possible to define a user as an Acknowledger. The acknowledger is the person who confirms whether the purchase is approved or not. There is no authorization limit for an acknowledger. A purchase cannot be authorized when an acknowledger has not set the same purchase to the Acknowledged status. It is required to have at least one authorizer for each authorization routing, but it is not a must to have an acknowledger for each authorization routing.

An authorizer can also have a superior authorizer who will retain his or her own authorization amount limitations. The superior authorizer must first exist as an authorizer and is able to authorize a step for an authorizer that he/she is the superior.

Since the authorizer is firmly connected to the person record you cannot change any personal data for the authorizer on the Authorizers tab. Changes must be performed in the person record on the Person page.

Multi-Company Purchase Authorizers page provides the ability to add, edit or view purchase authorizers for multiple companies, which enhances the user expereince for the users who work with multiple companies when maintaining data.


System Effects

As a result of this entry, a user can be entered as an authorizer in an authorization routing template, or be included in an authorization group, project role or position which can be added to the authorization routing template. The authorizer is available in the List of Values.