Enter Supplier Schedule Header, Manually


Use this activity to manually enter a supplier schedule header. The supplier schedule is entered in two steps: the header and then the schedule lines.

The schedule header contains general information about the schedule such as supplier, schedule type, site, part number, and validity dates for the schedule. The supplier schedule can adopt a variety of status depending on how the flow is set up. The lines are used for indicating the desired quantities and dates for the part in question. Schedule lines can be generated automatically by the system from the template (if desired) when saving the schedule header.

Supplier schedules allow users to regularly communicate to their suppliers up-to-date material requirements with minimal transactions. A supplier schedule is a type of purchase order subject to change at any time, which is used to send rate-based material requirements to a supplier. When manually creating a supplier schedule, you relatively work on your own and have to be completely aware of what you work with.

There are two types of schedules: plans and call-offs. The data included in these two schedules is virtually identical, though the meaning is usually different. In general, a plan is used to transmit future forecasts for planning purposes. This is equivalent to a customer sharing his MRP output for future dates with the supplier. A call-off generally represents firm requirement instructions for the short-term.


System Effects

As a result of this entry, a supplier schedule header is created. When the schedule header is entered, it is set to the Entered status.

If purchase order lines already exist, a message that reads "Create template schedule including previous deliveries?" will appear.