View Supplier in 360


Use this functionality  to get a 360 degree view of the selected supplier. The Supplier 360 Degree View includes assorted information related to the supplier in detail shown in a Lobby page consist with several lobby elements.

The main purpose of this page is to act as a hub for several supplier processes and could be used by all users interested in a complete supplier view. All the elements navigate to pages either exists as overview pages or tabs in IFS Cloud. Some pages are only visible when using certain modules of IFS Cloud.

When running this lobby it is important to understand what each element actually displays. The summary elements displays information filtered on the desired supplier, the selected company, and when applicable, filtered on the sites each user is allowed to access.

On each element each user can refine the displayed data further by deciding if a previously saved query should or should not be used as a start up filter.  The saved queries do not have any effect on the normal query function, but as soon as the tab is re-populated, the saved query will act as the default filter.


The supplier must exists as a supplier in the system.

System Effects

None. Supplier information is analyzed by the user.