Cleanup Snapshot  History Data


This activity describes how to perform a cleanup of snapshot history data for a project. When a project connection is created, project information including connection details is copied to a snapshot history table. The data available on the snapshot history table can be seen on the Snapshot History Data page. This snapshot history data table accumulates data when project connections are created, deleted or refreshed. As a result, this table could grow to be very large over a period of time. Cleanup snapshot history data is the feature to delete older or unnecessary records in the snapshot history data table to reduce its size.

When you want to delete snapshot history data for projects before a certain date, you need to enter a History Cut Off Date. This indicates that all records for selected projects, regardless of status, before this date will be deleted from the snapshot history data table, leaving the last cost reporting entry for each object before this date. Note that it is not possible to create a new snapshot with a Cut Off Date earlier than the History Cut Off Date.

When a cleanup of snapshot history data is performed for projects in status Closed, Completed or Cancelled, no History Cut Off date should be entered. All records in the snapshot history table, with no consideration to date, will be deleted for projects with the selected status.



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