Define Project Address


The material and services procured for a company will be delivered to an address that is marked as a delivery address for the company. For companies handling projects in different sites/locations other than the usual company sites the requirement arises to deliver the  procured material for the project directly to those specific sites. Therefore the project needs to maintain all the required addresses within the project.

The project specific addresses are registered in the Project Definition/ Addresses tab. Define a new address in the General Address Info section and define the type of the address in the Address Type section. Project addresses can only belong to the Delivery and Visit types. The Delivery type addresses defined in the project will be used specifically in the purchase orders and purchase reports as delivery addresses. 

Use this activity to define one or more addresses for a project. For each address you can define valid types and communication information.

Communication information for the addresses can be defined in Communication Methods section. You can specify a Validity Period for the address and the contacts.

This activity is also used to specify either tax codes or tax calculation structure for project addresses to be used as default when entering supplier invoice lines, purchase order/requisition lines, order quotation lines and sub contract line items. The default tax information entered here is retrieved if the Use Supplier Address for Tax slider switch is disabled for the delivery address in the Supplier/Address/Delivery Tax Information tab and the Use Project Address for Tax is selected on the invoice.

You can also enter tax exempt information for sites that qualify for tax exempt status.

You can provide Tax Codes, Tax Calculation Structure and Tax Exempt Info in here.

The distribution information that is valid for a specific address ID can also be entered here. You can enter an address name and a reference for the address.


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