Define Project Site


This activity is used to define a site for a project. A project can be developed or handled by several sites. The sites are registered in the Project Definition/Site tab. All sites must belong to the company connected to the project. The first entered site will automatically be the default site. The facility is provided to change the default site of the project. Once a site is registered for the project and the project is approved, it will not be possible for you to remove the site from the Project Definition/Site tab.

Enable the Use Standard inventory in Project MRP slider switch if you want the project MRP process to consider true excess standard inventory quantities as supplies and use them when you need to supply project demands by means of a material transfer requisition.

Enable the Automatic transfer from Standard Inventory slider switch if you want the project MRP process to consider true excess standard inventory quantities as supplies and automatically transfer that true excess quantity to the required activity (if need date of the part falls within lead time).

Note: To be able to release purchase orders, view inventory parts, etc., the user must also be connected to the site (Sites per User page).


To perform this activity, the site must be connected to the project's company in the Site page.

System Effects