Match Supplier Invoice with Project Transactions


This activity is used to match an invoice with project transactions manually. When matching project transactions with an invoice it can be done using an invoicing advice that has several project transactions, the contractor purchase part or match with the project transactions directly. Matching can be done from the invoice header as well as from the invoice lines. Depending on the invoice details, you may need to do the matching on the header level or line level.

When an invoicing advice is used for the matching, all the project transactions of the invoicing advice entered in the Inv. Advice Ref. field that have not been fully matched with an invoice, will be available for matching. If you need to match an invoice with transactions from more than one invoicing advice that has different information in the invoice line (e.g. tax), you can add an invoice line for each invoicing advice reference and then use the Match PO Receipts with Lines menu option.

If the project transactions to be matched are connected to purchase order lines with contractor purchase parts, the Part No field can be used to filter and match project transactions. It is possible to match the invoice amount both fully and partially. If you are doing a partial matching, it will be possible to match the remaining approved project transaction amount with other invoices. For more information on matching invoice related to a purchase order, refer the Match Supplier Invoice with Purchase Order process description. More information about the postings created is available in Posting Types and System Events - IFS Human Resources


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