Enter Analysis Results for Purchase Order


This activity is used to enter the quality inspection results for a purchase order. What to inspect on the receipt of a specific purchase order is defined on the control plan connected to the part on the receipt.

Use the Enter and View Results dialog to enter (or view) the inspection results. The Enter and View Results dialog can be accessed by clicking Enter and View Results in the Analysis Result Lines section in the Analysis Result page. The Analysis Result page can be accessed by creating an analysis in the Receipt or Receipts page. It can also be accessed by clicking Quality Assurance then Purchase Order Analysis Details in the Receipt page or by clicking Analysis Details in the Receipts page.

Before the inspection results can be entered in the Enter and View Results dialog, the Initialize Inspection dialog will appear automatically if additional information needs to be specified before the inspection results can be entered. The information is specified in the Available Analysis section that displays one line for each analysis that has been created for the purchase order receipt. Make sure the Enter Inspection Result setting for the specific analysis you want to enter the results for is enabled. If the part is lot/batch tracked, and the corresponding lot/batch number has not been filled in the Lot/Batch No field use the List of Values (LOV) picker to select a suitable value. The Serials To Enter field specifies the number of corresponding serial numbers of the part included in the analysis that must be entered. Serial Numbers must be entered if the part is serial tracked and Variable or Categorical data type results need to be entered. To enter serial numbers click Enter Serial Numbers and enable Selected Serial No for the corresponding serial numbers in the Enter Serial Numbers dialog and click OK.

If the analysis results are entered from the Analysis Result page eventual additional information must be registered before clicking Enter and View Results in the Analysis Result Lines section. If the part is lot/batch tracked, and the corresponding lot/batch number has not been filled in Lot/Batch No use the List of Values (LOV) picker to select a suitable value in that field. If the part is serial tracked and Variable or Categorical data type results need to be entered the corresponding serial numbers of the parts included in the analysis must be registered. Click Enter Serial Numbers, enable Selected Serial No for the corresponding serial numbers in the Enter Serial Numbers dialog and click OK.

The inspection results are entered in the Enter and View Results dialog. If the analysis contains several data points, it is possible to navigate between them by clicking Previous and Next.

To complete the analysis result for a data point click Complete either in the Enter and View Results dialog or in the Analysis Result Lines section on the Analysis Result page. Once the line has the Complete status, the results cannot be edited.

When all data points for an analysis have been reported, you can change the status of the analysis result to Confirmed. Either click Confirm Registered Result in the Enter and View Results dialog or Confirm Analysis on the Analysis Result page. It is also possible to confirm analysis result from the Purchasing Analyses pages, by clicking Confirm Registered Result for one or multiple analyses.

To create a new control chart if SPC is activated in the control plan, click Create SPC Chart in the Analysis Result Lines section on the Analysis Result page. To print a report of results for the Variable data type items, click Print Data Sheet in the Analysis Result Lines section on the Analysis Result page. To print the results of the analysis, click Print Analysis Results in the Analysis Result page.

This activity contains a security checkpoint which can be activated by an administrator. With an activated security checkpoint on a function you will have to authenticate yourself again in order to fulfill the function. Additionally, whenever a security checkpoint is successfully passed a security checkpoint log is written, creating an audit trail of what has been done.


This activity has the following prerequisites:

System Effects

As a result of this activity, analysis results has been entered, completed and confirmed. Once an analysis has been confirmed, the results cannot be edited.