Use Simplified Revision Handling for Control Plan


This activity is used to apply simplified revision handling for a control plan - manufacturing, control plan - purchasing or control plan - inventory. Simplified revision handling makes it possible to edit a control plan without having to create a new revision. Simplified revision handling could be set for a specific part at all sites, all parts at a specific site or for a specific part at a specific site.

Simplified revision handling can be applied from different pages:

If simplified revision handling is required for a specific part, site or part per site, enable Simplified Revision Handling for that specific part, site or part per site.



System Effects

As a result of this activity it will be possible to edit selected control plans in status Active and Inactive without having to create a new control plan revision.

Possible changes will be:

Note: No acceptance sampling parameters will be editable. To change these parameters, a new control plan revision needs to be created.