Report Scrap for Credit


Inspection results can be entered for inventory registered parts, non-inventory registered purchase parts, and no-number parts. This must be done when the quantity to inspect is larger than zero (0). For inventory parts, you must enter the inspection results before you are allowed to move the parts into a stock location. For non-inventory parts or no-number parts the results have to be entered to complete the receipt. Use of serial numbers affect the handling.

You can enter the inspection results via the Receipt page (and some related places) or the Inspection Management page. Both of which lead to the same dialog. Inspection results can be reported regardless of where the parts are situated, i.e., in an arrival, inspection, or stock location.

When you enter the inspection results, faulty parts can be scrapped. The scrapping cause can, for example, be that the parts are damaged in your warehouse. The financial burden of rejected parts is placed on the supplier.

If you are using IFS/Quality Management and have created an analysis, tested the parts in question, and reported the results in this component, you can use these results as a guideline when you enter the inspection results and scrap, in the receipt function.

A scrapping is normally entered per scrapping cause in the appropriate place when entering the inspection results. You can specify several scrapping causes for a receipt line. Do this by entering one line for each return cause. Example: You have a receipt line with ten parts. Six parts are entered as approved, one part is returned by the return cause A on one line, and three parts are returned by the return cause B on a second line. To make a full report, the sum of the quantity approved and any quantities scrapped or returned should be the same as the quantity to inspect. Otherwise, you have done a partial report of the inspection results. Note that for catch unit enabled parts, you must specify the catch quantity scrapped.

However, when you scrap several lines with the same scrapping cause on a receipt line, such as serial numbered parts, it is time-consuming to enter a new line and specify the scrapping cause for each serial number. Instead, you can select all desired lines in the Receipt/Details tab and specify the scrapping cause in advance by clicking Scrap Receipt Lines. A dialog opens and you can specify a scrapping cause and type for all selected lines. When this is completed, the dialog for entering the inspection results opens with the scrapping cause and type specified per serial number already entered in the proper place. You can remove a line that is selected by mistake. It is also possible to change the scrapping cause on the individual lines.

If for some reason you have entered a scrap by mistake, you can undo this action. For parts where the scrap is undone, you must enter an inspection result before the parts can continue in the work flow.

Note: Rentals cannot be returned as rework/credit and/or scrap during purchase order inspection.


System Effects